Is it Love? Or is it Just Infatuation?

Whether it’s love or infatuation, you need to be able to separate the two. There are signs and symptoms you can look for when determining whether you’re in love or if you’re only infatuated.

True love is calm and peaceful

True love isn’t just about finding the right person. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. Taking the time to become emotionally available to someone else is the first step to that. The results are guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Having a true love is one of life’s most enjoyable experiences. In many ways it’s a little like a little kid who’s finally learned how to behave. Your true love will never be selfish, unkind or jealous. They’ll always be there for you, no matter what.

True love isn’t about the newest gadgets or the most expensive gifts. It’s about being patient, kind, and calm. You’ll find that you’ll make more memories with your loved ones than you will with other people.

There’s something about true love that makes you feel a sense of calm and security. It feels like you’re in a cocoon. As a result, you won’t worry about the future or the past.

While it’s not always easy to achieve, it is worth the effort. When you’re in the love groove, the world will be a much better place. Whether you’re at the beach, in the woods, or anywhere in between, you’ll find that you’re a lot more content and happy. Those oh so important things, like a good night’s sleep and good health, will follow naturally.

The best way to experience this magic is to let it unfold. Make a point to focus on your partner’s best qualities. If you can’t do that, you’ll miss out. For example, if your love is weak at communication, you’ll never hear what they’re saying, and you’ll only end up with a stale relationship.

While the best kind of love isn’t exactly what you expect, it will definitely be what you’re looking for.


Infatuation isn’t pure like love

When people start to fall in love, they often confuse infatuation with love. Although both are strong feelings, they are different. Infatuation is often a temporary feeling that comes and goes, while love is a deep emotion that takes time to develop.

The main symptom of infatuation is that you are in a constant state of thinking about someone. You might spend hours at a time daydreaming about him or her. Your mind may be filled with fantasies about what they could be doing in the future. It can be a positive experience, but it is also dangerous.

Some infatuated people worry that they will end up cheating on the person they are infatuated with. They also have a lot of fear and anxiety about the future. These are not healthy thoughts.

Infatuation has a lot of similarities to love. Both are intense emotions that involve strong physical attraction. But infatuation is often one-sided and often involves a fantasy. This is because you will most likely not stay with someone who you are infatuated with.

Another way infatuation is not like love is that you will not have the same kind of intense passion. People who are in love are usually in an intimate relationship, not in a sexual relationship.

However, infatuation is sometimes accompanied by lust. So when you are infatuated, you might be thinking about a sexual connection, even though that might not be what you are really after.

You may also find yourself sweating and stammering when you talk to someone who you find attractive. You may want to give the person a chance to leave you alone, but you don’t know how to break the ice.


Symptoms of infatuation

  • There are a number of signs of infatuation that you should look for if you’re experiencing an intense feeling of attraction towards someone. Infatuation is the process of falling in love with someone without the intention of getting them.
  • Some of the signs of infatuation you may notice include a feeling of nervousness around the person you are infatuated with, as well as a persistent thought of that person. You might find yourself checking your phone for a reply to a text or email, or taking twice as long to complete simple tasks.
  • When you’re experiencing an intense feeling of affection, you’ll want to be with that person as much as possible. This can mean ignoring friends and family, or rushing as quickly as you can to spend time with them.
  • Another sign of infatuation is being overly possessive. It’s normal to feel jealous of others, but infatuation takes that to a whole new level. The infatuated person is not afraid to defend the person they’re infatuated with.
  • Often, people with infatuation end up believing in a perfect relationship. They have fantasies about the future with that person, and they might even believe in having sex with them in all sorts of scenarios.
  • Despite these signs, it’s important to remember that feelings cannot determine whether or not a relationship will be sustainable. As the relationship progresses, you’ll likely notice that the person you’re infatuated with is changing. If you notice a change in your feelings, be gentle and supportive. Be careful with how you respond, as it’s possible for infatuation to turn into an obsession.
  • Finally, infatuation can lead to feelings of loneliness and insecurity. The person you’re infatuated with will feel like they’re always on their own, despite the fact that they’re with a partner.

Distinguish between the two

If you are having a tough time figuring out whether you’re in love or just infatuated, there are a few signs to look for. One is a lack of trust. Infatuation is not based on a genuine knowledge or understanding of a person, and this prevents it from developing into real love.

The other sign is a lack of concern about the person’s personal traits or flaws. Genuine love fosters a sense of security and trust. When you’re in love, you aren’t hounding your partner for not meeting your expectations. You know when to take a chance and when to compromise.

Infatuation, on the other hand, is about physical attraction. Infatuation is often accompanied by lust and a desire to be around the person.

It’s a temporary feeling, which will fade out. This is why people may feel crazy or overwhelmed in the early stages. However, infatuation isn’t necessarily a bad thing. On the other hand, if you find yourself falling into a relationship with someone you’re not really in love with, it might be wise to keep the feelings of infatuation under wraps.

Although love and infatuation can be polar opposites, both of them are intense emotions. Infatuation can be like a drug, causing you to lose your grip on reality. Love is more grounded in reality and requires complete commitment.

Infatuation may not be worth the risk, because it is superficial and may come and go without a permanent commitment. Infatuation also carries a sense of impatience and jealousy.

As time passes, love becomes stronger. During the initial stage of a new relationship, you are swept away with the intensity of the emotions. Eventually, you will begin to feel secure with your relationship and realize the other person’s character, values, and track record.
