How Long Does it Take Have Your Profile Approved on Match com?

Approved on Match com is one of the world’s most popular dating websites, connecting millions of people worldwide. When creating a profile on, it is essential to provide accurate and truthful information about yourself, upload a recent photo, and fill out all the necessary details. Once you have created a profile, you might be wondering how long it takes for to approve your profile. In this article, we’ll discuss the approval process and provide an estimated timeline for profile approval.

How Long Does it Take to Have Your Profile Approved on Match com? has a strict profile approval process to ensure that all profiles are genuine and meet their community guidelines. The approval process involves both automated and manual checks to ensure the safety and authenticity of all profiles.

Automated Approval Process (h3) When you first create your profile on, an automated approval process will begin. This process includes checking the information you provide, such as your name, date of birth, location, and photo, to ensure they are accurate and meet’s guidelines. If your profile passes this automated check, it will move on to the next stage of approval.

Manual Approval Process (h3) After your profile has passed the automated approval process, it will be reviewed by a team member. This manual approval process involves checking your profile in more detail, including verifying the information you have provided and assessing your photo for authenticity. If the reviewer finds any discrepancies or concerns with your profile, they will contact you to clarify or provide further information.

Approved on Match com
Approved on Match com

How Long Does it Take to Get Your Profile Approved?

The time it takes to get your profile approved on can vary depending on a few factors, such as the number of profiles being reviewed, the accuracy and completeness of your profile, and any potential issues that need to be addressed.

Typically, the approval process takes anywhere from a few hours to a few days. If your profile meets all the guidelines and requirements, the approval process will be faster. However, if there are any issues with your profile or photo, the approval process could take longer as the team will need to contact you for clarification or to request further information.


Q: Can I speed up the approval process?

A: Unfortunately, you cannot speed up the approval process as it involves both automated and manual checks. However, you can ensure that your profile meets all the guidelines and requirements, which will increase the chances of a faster approval.

Approved on Match com
Approved on Match com

Q: Will I be notified when my profile is approved?

A: Yes, you will receive an email notification once your profile has been approved.

Q: What if my profile is rejected?

A: If your profile is rejected, you will receive an email notification explaining the reasons why. You can then make the necessary changes and resubmit your profile for approval.


In conclusion, the time it takes to get your profile approved on can vary depending on various factors, but typically it takes a few hours to a few days. has a strict profile approval process to ensure the safety and authenticity of its users, so it is essential to provide accurate and truthful information when creating your profile. By following the guidelines and requirements, you can increase the chances of a faster approval and start your journey to finding a match on